A Collaborative, Whole-person, Pro-active Approach.
What do we mean by Naturopathic Remedial Massage?
The realm of natural, holistic and functional medicine is broad and eclectic. Practitioners can vary widely in their approach so its good to 'shop around' and find one that's a good fit for you. We offer short introductory sessions either in person or online to make that process easier- we want this to work for you.
Ours is a blend of Naturopathy, Health Coaching and Remedial Massage. This is complementary care that works very well with other modalities, whether it be your G.P, Psychologist, Chiro, Myotherapist or Physio. There is no diagnosing or treating of 'disease' as such. Instead we support and encourage the innate processes of management, growth and repair within the body, and support you to navigate the changes required to promote health in the real world.
Thorough listening and questioning (which may include diet and sleep diaries, nutritional analysis) and physical assessments inform the treatment strategies and help develop your health plan. Functional pathology tests can be ordered if further clarification is needed. The results of these are then read and interpreted within the context of your health history. If you have any recent pathology results, please bring them along with you.
At Vitality Lab we believe in 'evidence-informed' medicine. This means being discerning of all health information that comes our way- reading current research, analysing trends and learning from clinical outcomes to continually question and refine our treatment. It also means looking for the evidence of what specifically does and doesn't work for you! A collaborative therapeutic relationship is encouraged.
The treatment can include a range of massage techniques including trigger point work, reflexology, cupping, lymphatic drainage, craniosacral techniques, abdominal massage among others. When it comes to herbs and supplement recommendations minimal, targeted prescribing is the benchmark- not sending you home with an expensive bag of supplements to just cover all the bases. Many have people have a pile of supplements at home already- we can also do a supplement 'audit' to help clear the clutter and work out what you actually need and the best way to take it.
It is our heart-felt drive to treat holistically by getting to know the person you are, identifying patterns of illness, removing barriers for healing and addressing the underlying causes of dis-ease. For many people, this different approach to health can offer a new perspective and awareness- allowing you to take more control in your own health. We would love the opportunity to work with you. Schedule an intro session to see if it's the right fit for you...
Naturopathic Remedial Massage can assist with-​
Digestive issues, including IBS and constipation
Mental health- coping with chronic tension, stress, anxiety and mild depression
Painful joints, chronic inflammation
Headaches and migraine
Supporting those with a cancer diagnosis
Sleep issues
Exhaustion, fatigue and brain fog (including post-viral fatigue)
ph. 0493 039 820